Our Family

Our Family

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Off To Work I Go! Hiho! Hiho!

One of the things on my most recent personal bucket list was to 're-enter' the official work force on a part-time basis just to prove something to myself.

I finished all the requirements to qualify as a Non-Instructional Guest Position for Collier County Schools.  The last requirement was to shadow a teacher for a day.  I got to do that for Mrs. Brat at Seagate Elementary in Naples, FL.

I officially worked for the first time for 2 hours as an ESE Sub at Oak Ridge Middle School.

My 1st official full day paid position will be tomorrow as an ISS Assistant - assisting w/PE all day at Mike Davis Elementary in Naples, FL.  Wish me luck.  John has pumped me up with encouraging words but is out of town for my big event.  So I'm on my own.  The kids lunches are made and ready for the lunchboxes, their phone is charged, alarm is set and I'm off to bed (1) minute before midnight.  I'll be up at 6am.  My workday starts tomorrow at 7:30am! 

I was going to spend time catching up on other blogging tonight (birthdays, spring break activities, etc) but that will have to wait for another day.


Nicole and Brent Prime said...

Good Job! I hope it goes well today!

Joe and Emily said...

Way to go!! Hope it went well.